Thursday, November 26, 2009


Today is Thanksgiving Day......What a great day that we can just sit down with family and really think and be thankful for everything that we have. The number one thing that I am thankful for is my Husband Josh. He is always there for me and if I am having a bad day or just need a hug or someone to talk to he is ALWAYS there for me. He does so much for me also....Cause right now I don't have a job and he is working as much as he can to make the ends met and to get by. Josh is my BEST friend and my Husband but most of all he is my Eternal Companion and that brings me to my next thing that I am grateful for, is the Church. I have had so much go on in my life and I have relied on the church and pray a lot to help me through with everything. I know you will hear this a lot in the church is that I don't know where I would be if I didn't have the church in my life but it is so true. I glad that Josh and I got married in the Temple and made those Promises to each other and will have and be with each other for always and forever. The calling that we have in the church is ward missionary leaders and what a great blessing that is going out and visiting with people in our ward and try to make everyone in our ward active again. There is soooo much more that I am thankful for but that will be to much to put on here. Happy Thanksgiving Day!!

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